by Dr.Marc M. Batschkus

Disk storage is everywhere, can be combined to fast RAIDs and large SAN systems to cover almost any need for speed and capacity. There are more disk storage products on the market than anyone can possibly look into and compare.
Tape still is the medium for large capacities of data that need to be kept for years or even decades. It has also an excellent price point per TB. Practically all large corporations have tape storage somewhere in their infrastructure because of its robust track record and cost effectiveness.
Now is there another kind of storage that has the benefits of disk and tape comibined?
The German company FAST-LTA offers what they call Silent Bricks: a storage that is built for long-term, shares many characteristics with tape storage and achieves this by building disks in a smart way into an enclosure with a number of unique features. The features are so different from other disk storage products that, yes, this is a third kind of storage between disk and tape.
Lets have a closer look and compare the three:

Both Archiware P5 Backup and 5 Archive work with Silent Bricks. Have a look at the solution: