By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus Before we take a closer look at Archive it is important to keep it distinct from Backup. Definition of Backup vs. Archive Backup is a duplication or replication of files used for ongoing production. Archive is
16 Basic Truths About Data Management, Backup and Archiving
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus Some things never seem to change and it helps to consider them before diving into a new setup or expansion of your workflow. 1. Before expanding your setup do an inventory of your files, storage
What’s New in P5 Version 6.1
By David Fox Introduction On January 26th, Archiware GmbH, expert in data backup and archiving, released the latest version 6.1 of its P5 Data Management Platform. There’s plenty of new functionality between version 6.0 and 6.1, so let’s take a
Media Vaulting: Guide To Backup & Offsite Media Vault
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus According to the dictionary, a vault is “a secure room in a bank in which valuables are stored”. You might consider bringing your media to an actual bank, but there are other alternatives that might
Transfer to Cloud Storage using a Backblaze B2 Fireball
By David Fox Version 2.0 – December 2020 Recent P5 versions allow large datasets to be archived to cloud storage by first obtaining a physical disk storage device from the cloud provider for archiving locally across your LAN, and then
What are metadata and why do they matter?
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus How important are Metadata for a media archive? Years after actual production happens, chances are low that someone will remember a filename or other specifics of the production to find a file. This is where
Archiving – the Big Picture. (Part 2)
by Marc M. Batschkus – Read part 1 – Implementing the Archive with P5 Archive Once you know the who, what and how you can start looking at the details of your Archive implementation.
Archiving – the Big Picture. (Part 1)
by Marc M. Batschkus An Archive is many things to many people. From reference to re-purposing, from monetization to service for clients, there are many perspectives on what an Archive can be and do. Since the perspectives vary so much, a closer
17 Features of a Great Data Archive Management Software
By Dr. Marc Batschkus Keeping important data for the long-term means archiving. This is actually the difference between Backup and Archive. The Backup protects all files that are still in use for daily production and work. All files that are
Legacy Media, Old Codecs and How to Deal with Them – 3 Tips to Preserve Your Media
By Dr. Marc Batschkus It is easy to forget how many codecs become obsolete over time. Even once popular codecs become outdated. Some cameras used their own codecs and thus became part of the workflow. How many of your files
8 Steps to Deal with Discontinuation of Backup and/or Archive Software and How to Migrate an Existing BRU/ArGest Installation
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus If a vendor of a Backup and/or Archive solution ceases operation, there are many open questions among users of their software and sometimes even slight panic. With the recent closure of Tolis Group, this is
Apple’s Developer Transition Kit DTK and Archiware P5
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus First impressions on Apple Silicon, an ARM based chip that will replace Intel CPUs and a test run with Archiware P5 Apple’s decision to move away from Intel CPUs and the X86 architecture got a
Benefits of the P5 Companion App
By David Fox What is the P5 Companion App? P5 Companion is a new desktop application for Windows, macOS and Linux that allows files from local or shared storage to be archived and restored by simple drag-and-drop operations on the
10 Features of a Great Video Archive Management Software
By Marc M. Batschkus Preserving media assets is the main reason for archiving. Since archiving is a data migration it frees up space on production storage. Archiving video footage, photos and other media requires specific features to simplify browsing, searching,
Why is Data Management Software for Small Business Important?
By Marc M. Batschkus Small businesses—or SMBs—need to keep their business running. For most of them, customer contacts, stock keeping, and orders are their core data. This is why SMBs especially need a data protection strategy. If this sounds too
4 tips to protect and manage your data with Archiware P5 while self-isolating
By David Fox While the office is empty and many work remotely, we offer some tips on ways to use Archiware P5 that should prove useful in these exceptional times. All of the tips below can be implemented without requiring
How to Archive on a Spectra Logic Tape Library
By David Fox Introduction Data archiving is all about moving production data from expensive ‘live’ storage to a cheaper type of storage in a cost-effective manner, allowing the data to be retained for the long term. LTO tape is one
How to Archive on a Quantum Tape Library
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus Preserving precious files for the long-term can be a challenge. The longer data resides on spinning disk, the higher the risk that it is affected by either human error or malware affecting the storage. Human
8 Best Features of a Media Archive Software
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus Creating media assets takes time, effort and money. Some media might be unique and close to impossible to re-create. For these reasons, preserving the valuable assets for reference, returning customers, re-use, and monetisation of any
5 Modern Approaches to Entertainment Data Management
By Marc M. Batschkus New cameras, bigger files and an increased number of delivery formats create a challenge for entertainment data management. How do you keep all files safe with minimum effort while keeping costs low? With fast disk storage