For many, the idea of writing data to a tape seems simple. Start at the beginning and continue to the end, much like an old C90 cassette tape or VHS recording. However, modern Linear Tape-Open (LTO) technology works in a
15 Storage and Data Management Trends for 2025
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus 1. Growth of Storage-as-a-Service (StaaS) Offerings On-premises StaaS solutions involve storage systems being installed and maintained at the customer’s location by StaaS providers. Capacity expansion, data backup, and disaster recovery (DR) can be managed easily
10 Tech Trends: Data Storage and Data Management in 2024 and Beyond
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus 1. Storage Grows Even More More data, larger files, more media production result in more demand for storage. With a possible shortage of some chips and components, this means that the storage setup of most
An explanation of Synthetic and Progressive methods in Archiware P5 Backup
By David Fox Archiware P5 Backup has two special backup strategies designed to assist in situations where taking a ‘full’ backup is not feasible. In this blog article, we’ll look at both Synthetic and Progressive backup methods in some detail.
Using P5 version 7 with cloud transfer device: Backblaze B2 Fireball
Note that this article refers to P5 version 7, released July 2021. For previous versions of P5, refer to this article for configuration of the AWS Snowball and this article for configuring P5 for use with a Backblaze Fireball. In
Transfer to Cloud Storage using a Backblaze B2 Fireball
By David Fox Version 2.0 – December 2020 Recent P5 versions allow large datasets to be archived to cloud storage by first obtaining a physical disk storage device from the cloud provider for archiving locally across your LAN, and then
8 Steps to Deal with Discontinuation of Backup and/or Archive Software and How to Migrate an Existing BRU/ArGest Installation
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus If a vendor of a Backup and/or Archive solution ceases operation, there are many open questions among users of their software and sometimes even slight panic. With the recent closure of Tolis Group, this is
Apple’s Developer Transition Kit DTK and Archiware P5
By Dr. Marc M. Batschkus First impressions on Apple Silicon, an ARM based chip that will replace Intel CPUs and a test run with Archiware P5 Apple’s decision to move away from Intel CPUs and the X86 architecture got a
Running Archiware Pure 2 on NAS Devices
Pure is Archware’s VMware backup software, and with the release of Pure version 2, there are some interesting and useful new possibilities for backing up virtual machines hosted on VMware servers. In this article we’ll explore what has changed and
P5 & cloud storage – Setup and Best Practice Guide
by David Fox With the release of Archiware P5 version 5.5, backup and archive to cloud storage are supported. There are various options and providers for cloud storage, this article aims to explain how this works and how to set
Using AWS Snowball with Archiware P5 to transport archive data to S3 cloud storage
By David Fox Executive Summary: Archiving and backing up data to the cloud is often slower than writing to local tape or disk, due to internet upload speeds limiting the data transfer rate available. By employing an AWS Snowball device,
Is there a storage medium between disk and tape? Yes, and it´s called Silent Bricks.
by Dr.Marc M. Batschkus Disk storage is everywhere, can be combined to fast RAIDs and large SAN systems to cover almost any need for speed and capacity. There are more disk storage products on the market than anyone can possibly
What to do with all those tapes?
by Marc M. Batschkus and Clay Teramo – CEO The Data Media Source, San Jose, California LTO Tape is an excellent storage media, but what to do when tape sets are replaced or no longer needed? We recently learned of
Understanding LTFS – What it’s for and how we use it
By David Fox LTFS brings together the convenience and familiarity of a removable disk, with the capacity, reliability and price-per-terabyte of tape. Since P5 version 5.6 now supports LTFS, this article looks at the reasons LTFS exists along with some